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EON - Prohibited chapters


Welcome, this wiki aims to document stuff around curently developed game series *EON - Prohibited chapters*. Wiki is still in early stage of development, so If you are curious about happening around game, I can recommend you visiting our Discord server.

First game in series is called Singularity.

EON isn't first project of Nenad Asanovic - he has created game called Adventures Of Willy Dickhard (see, former 1) for previews) which is (at the time of writing this words) almost finished.

Game updates are released monthly, downloadable through cloud drives accessible via funding sites. New release is for paying subscribers. Free version is one month older, than restricted one.

You can get some idea about renders and characters in _EON folder of AOWD preview gallery.


Games are developed by Croatian guy Nenad Asanovic, calling himself ilustrator.

You can support Nenad (while also getting latest stuff) via these funding sites:

migrated to new domain after freenom fail